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Version: v4



While troubleshooting, always start your application without the cache!

  • Expo npx expo start --clear
  • React Native CLI npx react-native start --reset-cache

Before troubleshooting NativeWind, it's crucial to ensure that Tailwind CSS itself is functioning correctly. NativeWind uses the Tailwind CLI to compile your styles, so any issues with Tailwind CLI should be resolved first. You can inspect the Tailwind CSS output at the following location: node_modules/.cache/nativewind/<input-css-filename>.<platform>.css, or by simply running npx tailwindcss --input <input.css>.

For instance, if you've observed that a custom class text-brand isn't behaving as expected. You can proceed as follows:

  1. First, ensure that your tailwind.config.js has the necessary configurations for the color.
  2. Navigate to node_modules/.cache/nativewind/<input-css-filename>.<platform>.css and search for the CSS class .text-brand {}

If you cannot locate the .text-brand CSS rule, it hints at an issue with your tailwind.config.js. To further validate this, run the command

npx tailwindcss --input <input.css>

If this output also lacks .text-brand, it confirms the misconfiguration.

To troubleshoot Tailwind CSS, refer to their Troubleshooting Guide.

Only once you see the expected CSS being generated should you start this troubleshooting guide.

Verifying NativeWind Installation

NativeWind provides a utility function, verifyInstallation(), designed to help confirm that the package has been correctly installed.

Import the verifyInstallation function from the NativeWind package and run within the scope of a React component. It's crucial to ensure that you do not invoke this function on the global scope.


verifyInstallation() will warn on success and error on failure. If you do not see any output check the function is being executed correctly.

import React from 'react';
import { verifyInstallation } from 'nativewind';

function App() {
// Ensure to call inside a component, not globally

return (
// Your component JSX here...

export default App;

Common Issues

Your cache is loading old data

Always reset your cache before troubleshooting an issue.

Colors are not working

React Native styling is much more restrictive than the web. This code will work on the web, but not on React Native:

export function App() {
return (
<View className="text-red-500">
<Text>Hello, World!</Text>

The reason is that <View /> does not accept a color style and will not cascade the style! Instead, you must move the color classes to the <Text /> element

Modifiers are not working

Ensure the component you are applying the style to supports both the style and the required props (e.g hover:text-white - does the component support color styles and have an onHover prop?)